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Sunday, April 15, 2007

How can i earn money to get a laptop? -

I really need and new laptop and i only have $100. I can t get working papers yet (one more year!!) and I can t babysit. What are some other ways to earn money over the summer?________try looking for a job where you can only be 15,,,,,, i know a few places in my hometown that hire at 14 even.... like grocery stores and some fast food joints..... check that out________well Vanessa this is Audrey the girl you told me to email you.yThe fastest way is to work in a mall or clothes store youll get a hundred in a snap!!! Report Abuse ________by working at the mall.________u could babby sit, work at a restront, work at the mall,or some where u like to go shopping at a lot________Car washing________I Think You Can Babysit..!!And Ask Your Mom And Dad 2 Help You And What Ever Money They Give You Just Save Them..!!________get you a job________Work for your parents. Asking grandparents help sometimes..________why can t you babysit? i started babysitting at 14!________do a lot of chores, a dollar each________Sell things, do small jobs for ppl (mow the lawn and such), ask your parents and so on________E-BAY i WAS IN TYHE SAME SPOT IT TAKES TO MINUTES TO SET UP HAVE YOUR PARENTS CONSENT AND BAM i MADE 500$ IN A MONTH SELLING NOTHING BUT LIKE OLD JUNK

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