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Thursday, March 22, 2007

What is a good way for a 10-year old to earn money? -

My daughter has been complaining that she wants money but I don t give her an allowance. ( I think she should do things without getting paid.) How would a 10-year old earn money?________chores is basicly the only safe thing________I m15, and I tried searching for a job ever since I was 8. I really wanted a job for the sake of it. Through those hours of hard search...i m sorry to say their s very few jobs out their for 10 year old s. None of them are high paying as expected but they do get her money. Now since she s not a guy, she probably wouldn t want to shovel drive ways, or mow lawns. Ok, well that leaves one more option. And that s a paper route/job. She ll usually make around $200/month, which should be good for a 10 year old! Good luck________shovel neighbors yards, clean peoples houses, babysit maybee...________vacuuming, making her bed everyday w/ out being asked and feeding any animals you may have these are all the chores my younger 10 year old sister does every day and she s also become more responsible________*shovel. *rake leaves. *maybe even dog sit. *become a hamster or gerbil breeder. then sell them. but ask the pet shop how old they have to be before you can sell them. *make cookies then sell em to family or friends.________its stupid thing to suggest ways for a 10 year old to earn money. Its childhood and they should enjoy it without having to work for money. You MUST give an amount which you think as reasonable. Child Labour is a crime here in India. Probably in your place too.________yard work. weeding and stuff. i mean i know its winter but .________shovel sidewalks/driveways for you and neighbors. Mow the lawn for you and neighbors. Help elderly carry in groceries chores around the house (mainly ones she doesn t prefer to do) Babysitting for family or neighbor kids get a paper route ~_~________part-time job.that mean doing some job at empty time.that you can give tell her quot;can you help me ,i will give you moneyquot;then she gets job and you will get help and she will get money________clean up the house and you pay her?________Setting up a lemonade stand during summer, washing cars, and doing chores around the house!________well when i was 10 i had a news paper job its a lot of money for a kid________gettin a s in school and drug testing her and she gets a dollar everytime she passes? or maybe just getting a s cus shes not expereminting drugs YET________Is there a reason she wants money? Is she saving up for an expensive toy or some kind of lesson? My daughter is 8 and when she wants money to save up to buy something, we give her an extra chore on top of her regular chores. The harder the chore the more $ value is attached to it, They don t get an allowance just because.________Do some light house cleaning to the people you all ready know! TRY IT and go ask around! Good luck!________tell her to the clean the house and then you should give her about 10 bucks________maybe babysitting________that is what my mom thinks to i am 13and she says that if i get a good grade on my report card i get money it may seem like a lot but i get $10 for every A and $5 for every B and $ 2for every c if i get a C- or lower i get nothing and that way it is like such a grate modeavation for me it makes me want to learn more and more for my tests and so i get good grades i know i wount get paid forever but it is a grate way if your a teen like me to get some money to shop________lemonade stand, raking ppl s yards, washing ppl s windows, babysitting, shoveling snow out of ppl s driveways, that s what i did as a kid, it got me enough money. i really really hope i helped!!! teaching your kid responsibility is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo importnat!!!! =) ps, it could be great bondage between you two if you guys do it together =)________well you can give her chores to do and pay her a certain amount per chore.This way you teach your child to work for money. And that not everything comes free.________when i was ten i mowed peoples lawns and delivered news papers (:________she could water plants for other people in their garden, pull out weeds and stuff, maybe get their mail or feed the neighbors pets when they re out of town, walk the dogs for neighbors, etc. she can have a garage sale or something and sell quot;junk.quot; she can even have a lemonade stand! she can do chores, like make her bed, take out the trash, set/clear the table, clean her room, unload/load the dishwasher, etc. well hope i helped! =)________well you could always let her do chores around the house for money, besides that she may be a little to young to babysit or anything.________If you want her to work, move to India and stick her in a sweat shop. Other than that you ll have to wait until she s older to make some money off her.________I remember when I was younger I would get paid to clean my grandmothers house wash my parents cars mow the lawn organize the shed/garage If she is still too young to do any of these things alone you could supervise or pay her to help you or your husband with them.________Chores. What else?________she could walk peoples dogs, or mow lawns, or make things and sell them. such as blankets or jewelry.________No,If you let her do chores for you,pay up.Dont let her find other ways by herself.________shovel drive ways of your neighbors with parents or an older friend( if there is snow) rake leaves, or sell baked good somewhere________lemonade stand sell cookies services to olderpeople work on community snow shoveling leaf blowing cat/ dog sitting baby sitting (maby too young) THE BEST IS: GO DOOR TO DOOR SELLING HOMEMADE COOKIES TO OLD PEOPLE

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