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Monday, August 27, 2007

How can i earn some money around my house? -

im a kid and i live in a house with one brother and my twin sister. my brother already earns money from mowing the lawn so that job is taken. me and my sister want some earn some money for once besides asking for the money. we already clean the kitchen as our only chore.________Way to go on wanting to earn some money. You could look at expanding cleaning the kitchen to doing the floors as well. Those are a pain and your folks may pay you. If your brother is mowing the lawn then you could weed the flower beds to keep the house looking good. or do the laundry to include ironing the shirts. It is something that is not hard to do but takes a little time and would make life nicer for your folks.________My sister makes money cutting our hair, so if you can find anyone willing to be experimented on that could help, you could charge less then you currently charge your barber so the whole money saves. Plus its a great skill to have. You can always ask your parents if there is anything else they would be willing to pay you for. You might be able to get the neighbors to pay you to mow their lawn or do chores for them, especially if they are getting old they might appreciate Please use me as a referral...if you would : betheremnant - my referral name. Make sure you set up a separate email just for this. You can do the offers daily. Signup and perform one task...if you don t like loss. Make sure you have a paypal account. That is where they send your cash. I make at least $30/day just on the offers. I make even more on referrals. If you have any questions, you can find me on there with my username. :)________recently i cleaned my dad s car. It was really great. I only asked for $10 dollars, but my neighbor saw and asked me to do his car. He offered to pay me $30! it wasn t that hard. laundry soap, water and some rags is all you need good luck i hope i helped. P.S. plz vote me best answer________If you are good at cooking meals, you could sell dinners.

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